diff --git a/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js b/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js index d674d6b0..5bce6f4d 100644 --- a/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js +++ b/cypress/integration/vault.spec.js @@ -1,521 +1,521 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ let vaultItems = []; const progressbarColors = { 'new': 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)', 'pending': 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)', 'done': 'rgb(92, 184, 92)' }; function checkVaultCookingTask(objectType) { cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); cy.contains('.dropdown-item', objectType) .click(); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask'); } function updateVaultItemList(vaultUrl, vaultItems) { cy.visit(vaultUrl) .then(() => { // Add uncooked task to localStorage // which updates it in vault items list window.localStorage.setItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks', JSON.stringify(vaultItems)); }); } // Mocks API response : /api/1/vault/(:objectType)/(:hash) // objectType : {'directory', 'revision'} function genVaultCookingResponse(objectType, objectId, status, message, fetchUrl) { return { 'obj_type': objectType, 'id': 1, 'progress_message': message, 'status': status, 'obj_id': objectId, 'fetch_url': fetchUrl }; }; // Tests progressbar color, status // And status in localStorage function testStatus(taskId, color, statusMsg, status) { cy.get(`.swh-vault-table #vault-task-${taskId}`) .should('be.visible') .find('.progress-bar') .should('be.visible') .and('have.css', 'background-color', color) .and('contain', statusMsg) .then(() => { // Vault item with object_id as taskId should exist in localStorage const currentVaultItems = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks')); const vaultItem = currentVaultItems.find(obj => obj.object_id === taskId); assert.isNotNull(vaultItem); assert.strictEqual(vaultItem.status, status); }); } describe('Vault Cooking User Interface Tests', function() { before(function() { const dirInfo = this.origin[0].directory[0]; this.directory = dirInfo.id; this.directoryUrl = this.Urls.browse_origin_directory() + `?origin_url=${this.origin[0].url}&path=${dirInfo.path}`; this.vaultDirectoryUrl = this.Urls.api_1_vault_cook_directory(this.directory); this.vaultFetchDirectoryUrl = this.Urls.api_1_vault_fetch_directory(this.directory); this.revision = this.origin[1].revisions[0]; this.revisionUrl = this.Urls.browse_revision(this.revision); this.vaultRevisionUrl = this.Urls.api_1_vault_cook_revision_gitfast(this.revision); this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl = this.Urls.api_1_vault_fetch_revision_gitfast(this.revision); vaultItems[0] = { 'object_type': 'revision', 'object_id': this.revision, 'email': '', 'status': 'done', 'fetch_url': `/api/1/vault/revision/${this.revision}/gitfast/raw/`, 'progress_message': null }; }); beforeEach(function() { this.genVaultDirCookingResponse = (status, message = null) => { return genVaultCookingResponse('directory', this.directory, status, message, this.vaultFetchDirectoryUrl); }; this.genVaultRevCookingResponse = (status, message = null) => { return genVaultCookingResponse('revision', this.revision, status, message, this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl); }; cy.server(); }); it('should report an error when vault service is experiencing issues', function() { // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // an internal server error cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: {'exception': 'APIError'}, status: 500 }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); // Check error alert is displayed cy.get('.alert-danger') .should('be.visible') .should('contain', 'Archive cooking service is currently experiencing issues.'); }); it('should report an error when a cooking task creation failed', function() { // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // a task can not be created cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: {'exception': 'NotFoundExc'} }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.route({ method: 'POST', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: {'exception': 'ValueError'}, status: 500 }).as('createVaultCookingTask'); cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@createVaultCookingTask'); // Check error alert is displayed cy.get('.alert-danger') .should('be.visible') .should('contain', 'Archive cooking request submission failed.'); }); it('should create a directory cooking task and report the success', function() { // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // a task has been created cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: {'exception': 'NotFoundExc'} }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.route({ method: 'POST', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('new') }).as('createVaultCookingTask'); cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('new') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.window().then(win => { const swhIdsContext = win.swh.webapp.getSwhIdsContext(); const browseDirectoryUrl = swhIdsContext.directory.swhid_with_context_url; // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@createVaultCookingTask'); // Check success alert is displayed cy.get('.alert-success') .should('be.visible') .should('contain', 'Archive cooking request successfully submitted.'); // Go to Downloads page cy.visit(this.Urls.browse_vault()); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.directory, progressbarColors['new'], 'new', 'new'); }); // Stub response to the vault API indicating the task is processing cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('pending', 'Processing...') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.directory, progressbarColors['pending'], 'Processing...', 'pending'); }); // Stub response to the vault API indicating the task is finished cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('done') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.directory, progressbarColors['done'], 'done', 'done'); }); // Stub response to the vault API to simulate archive download cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultFetchDirectoryUrl, response: `fx:${this.directory}.tar.gz`, headers: { 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.directory}.tar.gz`, 'Content-Type': 'application/gzip' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.directory} .vault-origin a`) - .should('have.text', this.origin[0].url) + .should('contain', this.origin[0].url) .should('have.attr', 'href', `${this.Urls.browse_origin()}?origin_url=${this.origin[0].url}`); cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.directory} .vault-object-info a`) .should('have.text', this.directory) .should('have.attr', 'href', browseDirectoryUrl); cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.directory} .vault-dl-link button`) .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive').then((xhr) => { assert.isNotNull(xhr.response.body); }); }); }); it('should create a revision cooking task and report its status', function() { cy.adminLogin(); // Browse a revision cy.visit(this.revisionUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // a task has been created cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultRevisionUrl, response: {'exception': 'NotFoundExc'} }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.route({ method: 'POST', url: this.vaultRevisionUrl, response: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('new') }).as('createVaultCookingTask'); // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI checkVaultCookingTask('as git'); cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultRevisionUrl, response: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('new') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.window().then(win => { const swhIdsContext = win.swh.webapp.getSwhIdsContext(); const browseRevisionUrl = swhIdsContext.revision.swhid_url; // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@createVaultCookingTask'); // Check success alert is displayed cy.get('.alert-success') .should('be.visible') .should('contain', 'Archive cooking request successfully submitted.'); // Go to Downloads page cy.visit(this.Urls.browse_vault()); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.revision, progressbarColors['new'], 'new', 'new'); }); // Stub response to the vault API indicating the task is processing cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultRevisionUrl, response: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('pending', 'Processing...') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.revision, progressbarColors['pending'], 'Processing...', 'pending'); }); // Stub response to the vault API indicating the task is finished cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultRevisionUrl, response: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('done') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.wait('@checkVaultCookingTask').then(() => { testStatus(this.revision, progressbarColors['done'], 'done', 'done'); }); // Stub response to the vault API indicating to simulate archive // download cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl, response: `fx:${this.revision}.gitfast.gz`, headers: { 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.revision}.gitfast.gz`, 'Content-Type': 'application/gzip' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.revision} .vault-origin`) .should('have.text', 'unknown'); cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.revision} .vault-object-info a`) .should('have.text', this.revision) .should('have.attr', 'href', browseRevisionUrl); cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.revision} .vault-dl-link button`) .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive').then((xhr) => { assert.isNotNull(xhr.response.body); }); }); }); it('should offer to recook an archive if no more available to download', function() { updateVaultItemList(this.Urls.browse_vault(), vaultItems); // Send 404 when fetching vault item cy.route({ method: 'GET', status: 404, url: this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl, response: { 'exception': 'NotFoundExc', 'reason': `Revision with ID '${this.revision}' not found.` }, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'json' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.revision} .vault-dl-link button`) .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive').then(() => { cy.route({ method: 'POST', url: this.vaultRevisionUrl, response: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('new') }).as('createVaultCookingTask'); cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultRevisionUrl, response: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('new') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.get('#vault-recook-object-modal > .modal-dialog') .should('be.visible') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@createVaultCookingTask') .wait('@checkVaultCookingTask') .then(() => { testStatus(this.revision, progressbarColors['new'], 'new', 'new'); }); }); }); it('should remove selected vault items', function() { updateVaultItemList(this.Urls.browse_vault(), vaultItems); cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.revision}`) .find('input[type="checkbox"]') .click({force: true}); cy.contains('button', 'Remove selected tasks') .click(); cy.get(`#vault-task-${this.revision}`) .should('not.exist'); }); it('should offer to immediately download a directory tarball if already cooked', function() { // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // the directory tarball has already been cooked cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('done') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); // Stub response to the vault API to simulate archive download cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultFetchDirectoryUrl, response: `fx:${this.directory}.tar.gz`, headers: { 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.directory}.tar.gz`, 'Content-Type': 'application/gzip' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); // Create a vault cooking task through the GUI cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); // Start archive download through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive'); }); it('should offer to immediately download a revision gitfast archive if already cooked', function() { cy.adminLogin(); // Browse a directory cy.visit(this.revisionUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // the directory tarball has already been cooked cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultRevisionUrl, response: this.genVaultRevCookingResponse('done') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); // Stub response to the vault API to simulate archive download cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultFetchRevisionUrl, response: `fx:${this.revision}.gitfast.gz`, headers: { 'Content-disposition': `attachment; filename=${this.revision}.gitfast.gz`, 'Content-Type': 'application/gzip' } }).as('fetchCookedArchive'); checkVaultCookingTask('as git'); // Start archive download through the GUI cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .click(); cy.wait('@fetchCookedArchive'); }); it('should offer to recook an object if previous vault task failed', function() { cy.visit(this.directoryUrl); // Stub responses when requesting the vault API to simulate // the last cooking of the directory tarball has failed cy.route({ method: 'GET', url: this.vaultDirectoryUrl, response: this.genVaultDirCookingResponse('failed') }).as('checkVaultCookingTask'); cy.contains('button', 'Download') .click(); // Check that recooking the directory is offered to user cy.get('.modal-dialog') .contains('button:visible', 'Ok') .should('be.visible'); }); }); diff --git a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-table-row.ejs b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-table-row.ejs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce09b838 --- /dev/null +++ b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-table-row.ejs @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +<%# + Copyright (C) 2020 The Software Heritage developers + See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution + License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version + See top-level LICENSE file for more information +%> + +<% if (cookingTask.object_type === 'directory') { %> + +<% } else { %> + +<% } %> + +
+ + + + <% if (cookingTask.origin) { %> + + + <%= cookingTask.origin %> + + + <% } else { %> + unknown + <% } %> + + + <%= cookingTask.object_type %> + + + id: <%= cookingTask.object_id %> + <% if (cookingTask.path) { %> +
path: <%= cookingTask.path %> + <% } %> + + <%- progressBar.outerHTML %> + + <% if (cookingTask.status === 'done') { %> + + <% } %> + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-ui.js b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-ui.js index 84717671..2359a1a0 100644 --- a/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-ui.js +++ b/swh/web/assets/src/bundles/vault/vault-ui.js @@ -1,279 +1,239 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 The Software Heritage developers * See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution * License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version * See top-level LICENSE file for more information */ import {handleFetchError, handleFetchErrors, csrfPost} from 'utils/functions'; +import vaultTableRowTemplate from './vault-table-row.ejs'; let progress = `
;`; let pollingInterval = 5000; let checkVaultId; function updateProgressBar(progressBar, cookingTask) { if (cookingTask.status === 'new') { progressBar.css('background-color', 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)'); } else if (cookingTask.status === 'pending') { progressBar.css('background-color', 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)'); } else if (cookingTask.status === 'done') { progressBar.css('background-color', '#5cb85c'); } else if (cookingTask.status === 'failed') { progressBar.css('background-color', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)'); progressBar.css('background-image', 'none'); } progressBar.text(cookingTask.progress_message || cookingTask.status); if (cookingTask.status === 'new' || cookingTask.status === 'pending') { progressBar.addClass('progress-bar-animated'); } else { progressBar.removeClass('progress-bar-striped'); } } let recookTask; // called when the user wants to download a cooked archive export function fetchCookedObject(fetchUrl) { recookTask = null; // first, check if the link is still available from the vault fetch(fetchUrl) .then(response => { // link is still alive, proceed to download if (response.ok) { $('#vault-fetch-iframe').attr('src', fetchUrl); // link is dead } else { // get the associated cooking task let vaultCookingTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks')); for (let i = 0; i < vaultCookingTasks.length; ++i) { if (vaultCookingTasks[i].fetch_url === fetchUrl) { recookTask = vaultCookingTasks[i]; break; } } // display a modal asking the user if he wants to recook the archive $('#vault-recook-object-modal').modal('show'); } }); } // called when the user wants to recook an archive // for which the download link is not available anymore export function recookObject() { if (recookTask) { // stop cooking tasks status polling clearTimeout(checkVaultId); // build cook request url let cookingUrl; if (recookTask.object_type === 'directory') { cookingUrl = Urls.api_1_vault_cook_directory(recookTask.object_id); } else { cookingUrl = Urls.api_1_vault_cook_revision_gitfast(recookTask.object_id); } if (recookTask.email) { cookingUrl += '?email=' + recookTask.email; } // request archive cooking csrfPost(cookingUrl) .then(handleFetchError) .then(() => { // update task status recookTask.status = 'new'; let vaultCookingTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks')); for (let i = 0; i < vaultCookingTasks.length; ++i) { if (vaultCookingTasks[i].object_id === recookTask.object_id) { vaultCookingTasks[i] = recookTask; break; } } // save updated tasks to local storage localStorage.setItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks', JSON.stringify(vaultCookingTasks)); // restart cooking tasks status polling checkVaultCookingTasks(); // hide recook archive modal $('#vault-recook-object-modal').modal('hide'); }) // something went wrong .catch(() => { checkVaultCookingTasks(); $('#vault-recook-object-modal').modal('hide'); }); } } function checkVaultCookingTasks() { let vaultCookingTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks')); if (!vaultCookingTasks || vaultCookingTasks.length === 0) { $('.swh-vault-table tbody tr').remove(); checkVaultId = setTimeout(checkVaultCookingTasks, pollingInterval); return; } let cookingTaskRequests = []; let tasks = {}; let currentObjectIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < vaultCookingTasks.length; ++i) { let cookingTask = vaultCookingTasks[i]; currentObjectIds.push(cookingTask.object_id); tasks[cookingTask.object_id] = cookingTask; let cookingUrl; if (cookingTask.object_type === 'directory') { cookingUrl = Urls.api_1_vault_cook_directory(cookingTask.object_id); } else { cookingUrl = Urls.api_1_vault_cook_revision_gitfast(cookingTask.object_id); } if (cookingTask.status !== 'done' && cookingTask.status !== 'failed') { cookingTaskRequests.push(fetch(cookingUrl)); } } $('.swh-vault-table tbody tr').each((i, row) => { let objectId = $(row).find('.vault-object-info').data('object-id'); if ($.inArray(objectId, currentObjectIds) === -1) { $(row).remove(); } }); Promise.all(cookingTaskRequests) .then(handleFetchErrors) .then(responses => Promise.all(responses.map(r => r.json()))) .then(cookingTasks => { let table = $('#vault-cooking-tasks tbody'); for (let i = 0; i < cookingTasks.length; ++i) { let cookingTask = tasks[cookingTasks[i].obj_id]; cookingTask.status = cookingTasks[i].status; cookingTask.fetch_url = cookingTasks[i].fetch_url; cookingTask.progress_message = cookingTasks[i].progress_message; } for (let i = 0; i < vaultCookingTasks.length; ++i) { let cookingTask = vaultCookingTasks[i]; - - let rowTask = $('#vault-task-' + cookingTask.object_id); + let rowTask = $(`#vault-task-${cookingTask.object_id}`); if (!rowTask.length) { let browseUrl = cookingTask.browse_url; if (!browseUrl) { if (cookingTask.object_type === 'directory') { browseUrl = Urls.browse_directory(cookingTask.object_id); } else { browseUrl = Urls.browse_revision(cookingTask.object_id); } } let progressBar = $.parseHTML(progress)[0]; let progressBarContent = $(progressBar).find('.progress-bar'); updateProgressBar(progressBarContent, cookingTask); - let tableRow; - if (cookingTask.object_type === 'directory') { - tableRow = - ``; - } else { - tableRow = - `'; - } - tableRow += '
'; - tableRow += - '`; - tableRow += - '`; - if (cookingTask.origin) { - tableRow += `` + - `` + - `${cookingTask.origin}`; - } else { - tableRow += `unknown`; - } - tableRow += - `` + - `${cookingTask.object_type}`; - tableRow += `` + - `id: ${cookingTask.object_id}`; - if (cookingTask.path) { - tableRow += `
path: ${cookingTask.path}`; - } - tableRow += ''; - tableRow += `${progressBar.outerHTML}`; - let downloadLink = ''; - if (cookingTask.status === 'done') { - downloadLink = - ''; - } - tableRow += `${downloadLink}`; - tableRow += ''; - table.prepend(tableRow); + table.prepend(vaultTableRowTemplate({ + browseUrl: browseUrl, + cookingTask: cookingTask, + progressBar: progressBar, + Urls: Urls, + swh: swh + })); } else { let progressBar = rowTask.find('.progress-bar'); updateProgressBar(progressBar, cookingTask); let downloadLink = rowTask.find('.vault-dl-link'); if (cookingTask.status === 'done') { downloadLink[0].innerHTML = ''; } else { downloadLink[0].innerHTML = ''; } } } localStorage.setItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks', JSON.stringify(vaultCookingTasks)); checkVaultId = setTimeout(checkVaultCookingTasks, pollingInterval); }) .catch(() => {}); } export function removeCookingTaskInfo(tasksToRemove) { let vaultCookingTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks')); if (!vaultCookingTasks) { return; } vaultCookingTasks = $.grep(vaultCookingTasks, task => { return $.inArray(task.object_id, tasksToRemove) === -1; }); localStorage.setItem('swh-vault-cooking-tasks', JSON.stringify(vaultCookingTasks)); } export function initUi() { $('#vault-tasks-toggle-selection').change(event => { $('.vault-task-toggle-selection').prop('checked', event.currentTarget.checked); }); $('#vault-remove-tasks').click(() => { clearTimeout(checkVaultId); let tasksToRemove = []; $('.swh-vault-table tbody tr').each((i, row) => { let taskSelected = $(row).find('.vault-task-toggle-selection').prop('checked'); if (taskSelected) { let objectId = $(row).find('.vault-object-info').data('object-id'); tasksToRemove.push(objectId); $(row).remove(); } }); removeCookingTaskInfo(tasksToRemove); $('#vault-tasks-toggle-selection').prop('checked', false); checkVaultId = setTimeout(checkVaultCookingTasks, pollingInterval); }); checkVaultCookingTasks(); window.onfocus = () => { clearTimeout(checkVaultId); checkVaultCookingTasks(); }; }